Ebra Almighty

This digital world is full of clutter and its very easy for you to get lost! So how can you be found? What is it that will make you stand out and be an almighty with a professional profile?

Let us discuss some areas to consider!

Just like your identity being lost in the clutter of the web, so is important information! So i decided to keep things simple and give you a simple back to basics guide on how to build a professional profile online!

Step 1:

What do you want? 

Okok I know this is a tough one but its an important one! Most people do not know what they are looking for so it would be pretty difficult for the right people to notice you if you do not know who the are?

Do some groundwork, talk to the people around you and search the online web for job you would enjoy doing! Find out what others are doing and how you could contribute to their company! Be proactive and jump out there!

Step 2 :

Get your head into the game! 

Once you know who you want to be and who you want noticing you! Set up a strong foundation of an online personal brand. Ok this is the tricky part, this is not easy. You need to understand that your personal brand tells employers everything they need to know about you! They can make a very good prediction on your working patterns and if you would fit in their company!

So start by creating a LinkedIn Account!

This video will give you a quick introduction to the benefits of Linkedin!

Next, be creative! No one is going to notice you if you’re blending into the background! My advice, if you’re bold and not nervous in front of cameras! Make a video! What better way then a video to showcase or maybe give a teaser of who you are!

This guy did it!

Step 3 :

Get connected everywhere! 

Get yourself a good reputation online! Create a twitter,Facebook & instagram account for profession and depending on you personal use. I recommend reading “30 Days to a Better Online Reputation” by Andy Beal to give you a kick start to this!

Step 4 :

What to be careful of!

Always remember to Treat your profile like a portfolio! Make sure you post appropriate content that will benefit you rather then do you harm! Dont forget, everything can be tracked on the net! Beware!

Thats all for today folks! This was a brief process for you to get started! Do check out the references for more in dept information!

References :

Anon, 5 Reasons Why Your Online Presence Will Replace Your Resume in 10 years. Available at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/danschawbel/2011/02/21/5-reasons-why-your-online-presence-will-replace-your-resume-in-10-years/ [Accessed December 3, 2014a].

Anon, The New Résumé: It’s 140 Characters – WSJ. Available at: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424127887323820304578412741852687994?mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10001424127887323820304578412741852687994.html [Accessed December 3, 2014b].

Anon, Twitter’s Redesign Makes the Platform Ripe for Recruitment. Available at: http://mashable.com/2014/04/21/twitter-redesign-recruitment/ [Accessed December 3, 2014c].

Beal, A., 2014. Repped: 30 Days to a Better Online Reputation,

Roger Dooley, Why You Are a Complete Idiot If You Don’t Google Yourself. Available at: http://www.neurosciencemarketing.com/blog/articles/google-yourself.htm.

Photo Credits : www.designworklife.com

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