Did you listen to what the man said?

In the words of Paul Mccartney “Yes, Indeed We Know That People Will Find A Way To Go No Matter What The Man Said!”

The point I am trying to make here is that after spending some time reading a number of articles about having a digital profile and the various factors to consider, some mentioned the “Do’s & Don’ts” some mentioned the “Ups & downs” of the digital world and what we got to do to keep up with the world around us to stand out and get the job we want!

So I started to reflect on this new found information i had gained and was looking at what can i tell my readers about an “authentic digital profile?” And I might be slightly bold here to say that I believe there is none!

After doing some research I feel that the digital world is progressing so fast that there is no exact science or formula to building an authentic digital profile because its constantly changing. Thats why I posted “Did you listen to what the man said?” as information about the digital world is being published at an alarming rate. A rough figure of the amount of content being uploaded, 48 hours of video is uploaded per minute on youtube! 200 million tweets are posted every day, an average facebook user posts 90 pieces of content per month!

So my personal advice to my readers is to educate yourself on what experienced people have to say within their various fields of the best way to use the digital world BUT do not use that as a map! The beautiful thing about the digital world is that you have the power to create your own mark. So be bold, trust your gut instinct and try something new and unheard of! Be different because you need to be different to stand out in this digital world!  So dont listen to only what the man says! Listen to that inner voice!

Some TED videos I personally found worth watching on this topic!


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References :

Anon, Job Hunting in the digital age. Available at: http://takoda2.weebly.com/uploads/1/0/0/7/10077270/job_hunting_in_digital_age.pdf [Accessed December 4, 2014].

Chamorro-Premuzic, T., The Future of You. Available at: https://hbr.org/2013/01/the-future-of-you/ [Accessed December 4, 2014].

Noble, J.T., Truth Will Out – Why Authenticity is the Key to Growing Your Business. Available at: https://blog.kissmetrics.com/truth-will-out/ [Accessed December 4, 2014].

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